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Norwegian words in Norwegian plus one single letter added

REGNE (to rain / to calculate) 

LAT (lazy) 

BRA (good) 

ØK (old horse / increase) 

ASK (ash tree) 

RIS (rice / give a beating) 

ELG (moose) 

ÅS (hill) 

ARK (sheet of paper) 

LEST (read (past)) 

ÅKER (field) 

KREM (cream) 

KAR (bloke)

LIK (corpse / equal to) 

VERK (pus) 

BRIS (breeze) 

SEKT (sect) 

RAN (robbery) 

VIK (inlet) 

LAVE (to fall profusely yet slowly,

used for heavy windless snow)

ENKE (widow) 

RAK (straight) 

OR (alder tree) 

TAK (roof / ceiling) 

BARK (tree bark) 

BAK (behind) 

ÅTE (bait)

VÆR (weather) 

TAMP (end of a rope) 


SERK (underdress from Viking times) 

SANK (sunk) 

SEIERE (victories) 

RED (rode) 

RATT (steering wheel) 

VERN (protection) 

LESKE (to ease thirst) 

KAN (can) 

ELTE (to knead [dough]) 

MAKE (spouse) 

   Norwegian vocabulary provided by Torgrim Melle Stene of Oslo

BREGNE (fern)

FLAT (flat – as in «a flat surface»)

BRAK (crash)

SØK (search)

RASK (quick)

PRIS (price)

HELG (weekend)

BÅS (booth)

MARK (worm / field)

BLEST (small storm)

MÅKER (sea gulls)

KREMT (harrumph)

KART (unripe fruit)

SLIK (this way, such, as)

KVERK (whack)

BRIST (flaw)

SLEKT (extended family, relations)

TRAN (codliver oil)

VIKE (to retreat, lay off)

SLAVE (slave)


SENKE (to lower)

RAKE (rake)

ORD (word)

TAKT (beat (in music)

BARSK (tough – used to describe people)

BANK (bank)

RÅTE (rot)

SVÆR (huge)

STAMP (big wooden pool with hot water

for communal bathing)

SNERK (skin – that forms on top of

milky fluids)

STANK (stench)

SEINERE (later)

REDD (scared)

KRATT (underbrush)

KVERN (mill)

SLESKE (sleazy (pl.))


KANT (edge)

VELTE (to topple something)

SMAKE (to taste)

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