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Just visit the language tabs above, choose a bunch of pairs of words and try to incorporate your choices into a new piece of writing. The site is BRAND NEW and soon you'll be able to Click Here to add your own stories and of course read others from all over the world.  

 A warm welcome to my site - the idea here is to get new writing done - using vocabulary that differs by the addition of only one letter - One single letter and the meaning changes. Not only in English - but in a wide variety of languages. 

May 2017 continuous

recruiting vocabulary 


The first to arrive 


The second to arrive 

Spanish - from Argentina

The choices widen 

Other languages followed and more are promised. See here.  

Welcome to an exciting new thinking and writing project based on the addition of a single letter to an existing word. No plurals or changes of tenses. Just think, a word becomes a world by adding the letter "L".  A gran becomes a groan by inserting the letter "o" or grain with the insertion of an "i" or maybe a man's name with a "t" Gran will become Grant. and in a flash - insect becomes inspect.

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WEBSITE Built by Ivan Schekoldin and Michael Kerins 

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